April 30, 2020
May 31, 2018
March 3, 2018
February 8, 2018
Is having women in office the appropriate reason to break the sister church relationship?
December 22, 2017
The Observation ~ De Aanschouwing ~ K. Schilder (De Kerstboek 1924) Luke 2: 15, 16
November 1, 2016
July 21, 2016
March 26, 2016
February 6, 2016
January 14, 2016
January 4, 2016
November 3, 2015
October 17, 2015
August 22, 2015
A new editorial: Inadmissible!
August 10, 2015
The Research Report on the Westminster Standards to
Synod Groningen 2014
of the DGK (hersteld)Translation of sermon on 1 Peter 4:17a "The Judgement begins in the House of God"
March 6, 2015
The Church by K. Schilder
August 29, 2014
Christian action and prophecy. Sermon by Prof. B Holwerda
April 8, 2014
Now available: "Pentecost feast and the "Seceded Church".
January 10, 2014
October 26, 2013
May 16, 2013
April 1, 2013
A new editorial is available "Changes in the manner of dealing with differences: A post-modern approach - coming to Australia?"
October 31, 2012
A new editorial is available "Evidence Ignored?"
October 20, 2012
Added to Articles "In Spirit and in Truth" by Rev. S. de Marie
July 15, 2012
A new editorial is available "Maintaining the true unity of the Church"
April 4, 2012
Added to Sermons: Thirty pieces of silver…..and prophecy! (Mathew 27: 9-10)
January 7, 2012
New Years greetings to our viewers! May the LORD grant a blessed new years and guide us in this new year in service to Him.
We have added to the Articles The conclusions of Utrecht (1905/1908):An Obstacle to Reformed Unity? In consideration of the fact that many people in both the CanRC and the URCNA do not believe that these Conclusions present a problem, we believe that it would be most helpful to listen to what our CanRC forefathers in the 1960's had to say on this subject.
Dec 11, 2011
Added to the Articles "Secession in Abbotsford: Was it too early?" as first published in the March 9, 2011 issue of Reformed Polemics (Vol. 11, No. 7).
Nov 12, 2011
Responsibility in the Holy Congregation added to Articles. By T.L. Bruinius translated by J. Vanlaar
Update: Liberated Reformed Church location.
March 9, 2011
Links added:
Reformed Continua documents
Do not take words away from this book of prophecy
Answer to the brochure ‘Not beyond what is written’
Acts General Synod of Mariënberg 2005
DEPUTIES FOR FOREIGN RELATIONS report 1 en 2 about Abbotsford
Open communion in the OPC - B.R.Hofford
March 3, 2011
Added to Articles "The National Synod, a misleading credo" by Rev. S de Marie and "Letter to the Steering Committee from the General Synod of De Gerevormerde Kerken (hersteld)"
November 3, 2010
Added to Articles an article "Reformation Day" by H. P. de Roos
October 12, 2010
An editorial is available "Do or Die" in response to a recent article published in Clarion titled: "Secession in Abbotsford Leads to Sister Church in Emmen?" by Rev. K. Stam.
August 17, 2010
An editorial is available "An Unscriptural Commitment"
April 3, 2010
Now available a sermon by Prof B. Holwerda "THE ALTAR WITH NO TABLE"
February 12, 2010
A new editorial is available "An unscriptural binding"
A new article is available "Faithful office bearers serve the true unity"
July 7, 2009
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence with the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove, three more paragraphs describing additional events in Aldergrove since the release of the concerned member’s May 21, 2009 letter to the congregation.
Added to the Articles, the text of a Court judgement from the Queen’s Bench (the Supreme Court of Manitoba) in 1967 involving the Trustees of the Canadian Reformed Church at Winnipeg. This case deals with the deposition of Rev. C. De Haan as a result of his refusal to sign the Subscription Form.
Added to the Editorials, a new editorial entitled “The Function of the Subscription Form”.
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence with the Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove, are links to three additional letters dated April 30, 2009, May 15, 2009 and May 21, 2009 involving a concerned member of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove.
The letter dated April 30, 2009 is from the consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove informing the concerned member of its intention to proceed with the third announcement of impending excommunication.
The letter dated May 15, 2009 is also from the consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove and is a reaction to the concerned member’s letter dated May 11, 2009 that he sent to the congregation.
The letter dated May 21, 2009 responds to the consistory’s reaction dated May 15, 2009. The concerned member addresses a number of statements made by consistory that are either not true or not complete. Therefore he continues to ask the congregation to join him in calling the consistory back to faithfulness to the Three Forms of Unity and the Church Order as indicated in the Act of Liberation or Return of 1944.
May 21, 2009
Added to Articles, excerpts of "General Synod Decisions in Defence of Confessional Membership"
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence with the Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove, are links to two additional letters dated March 22, 2009 and May 11, 2009 involving a concerned member of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove.
The letter dated March 22, 2009 is from the consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove and is a reaction to the concerned member’s letter that he sent to the congregation in Aldergrove. In this letter the consistory responds with a number of “important points for the congregation to keep in mind.”
The letter dated May 11, 2009 responds to the consistory’s reaction. The concerned member addresses a number of statements made by consistory that are simply not true and asks the congregation to join him in calling the consistory back to faithfulness to the Three Forms of Unity and the Church Order.
March 17, 2009
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence with the Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove, are links to two separate series of correspondence involving a concerned member of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove. The first series of correspondence was written in the period from April 2006 to January 2007 and concerns the establishment of relationships of ecclesiastical fellowship with the URC and the OPC. The second series of correspondence was written in the period from October 2007 to November 2008 and deals with the biblical basis of Article 61 of the Church Order.
Despite these series of correspondence the Aldergrove consistory has hardened itself in its position by proceeding with the second announcement of impending excommunication and thereby involved the congregation. The concerned member has therefore seen the need to make the relevant information available to the Aldergrove congregation in the hope that the rest of the congregation can still call the consistory back to faithfulness to the reformed confessions and the Church Order. See a detailed summary of this correspondence here.
February 5, 2009
Added to the Articles section - "The Heritage of the Great Reformation: Is Everyone Reformed?" by Rev. S. de Marie and translated by T. VanLaar. This article first appeared in the Dutch magazine "De Bazuin" (Volume 2, Number 38) and is republished here with permission from the editors of "De Bazuin."
Added to the Links section - the website address for a new internet magazine entitled "Reformed Continua" www.reformedcontinua.nl produced by the Deputies for Foreign Relations (BBK) of the Reformed Churches (Restored) in the Netherlands.
July 26, 2008
A new editorial is available "A Good Conscience".
Due to the fact that significant events have taken place since the original wording of the "Call to Reformation" on the main page, it was decided to update this "Call to Reformation" to reflect the current situation.
Since the current wording of this "Call" was put in place, the Canadian Reformed Churches have held General Synod 2007 in Smithers. This same Synod has extended relationships of ecclesiastical fellowship with the Reformed Churches of New Zealand and l'Eglise Reformee du Quebec. At the same time this Synod has rejected as "schism" a liberation from unscriptural decisions which took place in the Netherlands in 2003.
At the same time, the process which culminated in a secession from the American Reformed Church at Lynden in June of 2006, was repeated and enhanced in Abbotsford, culminating in a secession there in July of 2007. Therefore we have updated the main page to reflect this.
July 12, 2008
Added to the Articles "That they all may be one" by R.H. Bremmer translated by T. Van laar
June 5, 2008
Added an information page for the Liberated Reformed Church at Abbotsford. You can find it here.
March 19, 2008
Added to the Librum - Chronology of Correspondence I - an "Act of Secession and Return" was sent by communicant members of the Liberated Reformed Church at Abbotsford to the consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Abbotsford. In the covering letter to this "Act" the consistory was informed of the institution of the Liberated Reformed Church at Abbotsford on December 9, 2007 and called upon to reconsider the way it handled the previous letter dated September 28, 2007 from four concerned brothers.
January 10, 2008
Added to the Articles an Article "Netherlands in the 1960's"
November 24, 2007
Added to the Librum – Chronology of Correspondence I – a letter from the consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Abbotsford to four concerned brothers and their wives requesting reconsideration of the matters that led to the letter of secession dated July 17, 2007. See an annotated version of the consistory’s letter here.
As stated in the letter, the consistory demanded a response by September 30, 2007, with the proviso that if no response was received, the concerned brothers, together with their families would be announced to the congregation that “by their actions they have broken with the Church.”
As a result of the consistory’s letter the four concerned brothers did send a response to the consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Abbotsford. This response was brought to an elder of this church on September 29, 2007. It was determined that the serving elder was made aware of this response prior to the morning worship service of September 30, 2007.
At a meeting of consistory held October 15, 2007 the response was officially received and declared “inadmissible” despite the fact that the consistory specifically requested a response.
Although no consistory meeting had been held to consider the content of this response, and no consistory decision had been made on it, the serving elder proceeded with the above announcement to the congregation at the commencement of the morning worship service on September 30, 2007.
See the text of the response of the four concerned brothers here.
November 10, 2007
A new editorial is now available: "Worse than 1944"
September 29, 2007
An editorial is available titled "Non-essential Matters?"
August 25, 2007
A new editorial is available: "The Antithesis"
August 11, 2007
Added to the Links - Article: "What is happening with the Three Forms of Unity in the Canadian Churches"
July 28, 2007
A new editorial is now available. "Maintaining the Reformed Confessions"
July 19, 2007
The Lord in His preserving work has enabled secession to take place at Abbotsford. The declaration of secession can be read here. We are thankful to the Lord in His preserving work and express joy that we can return to proper worship.
Added to the Librum - Chronology of Correspondence I - more correspondence with the consistory at Abbotsford which details the failure of the consistory to maintain the Reformed Confessions and proves that the full ecclesiastical route had been followed.
July 14, 2007
A continuation of the editorial "Excuses" is now available, "More Excuses"
June 30, 2007
Today's editorial "Confessional Membership Revisited" is now available.
June 16, 2007
A new editorial "I do" is now available.
June 9, 2007
Update: Correction in editorial "Unscriptural Pluriformity in Practice" regarding the PCOS. Information has been brought to light that there really was no break away church from the PCOS.
June 2, 2007
An editorial "An Historic Decision" by Rev. B. Hofford is now available.
Added to the Links - Contact e-mail to obtain books in recommended reading: calltoreform@sympatico.ca
May 19, 2007
An editorial "Excuses" by Rev. B. Hofford is now available.
April 28, 2007
Our commitment to a two week process of editorials cannot be upheld during this time as other commitments demand time as well. We will post editorials as they become available. We are thankful that we have been able to commit to a two week schedule in the past.
April 7, 2007
Editorial available: "Back to Basics: The Supervisory Task of the Church"
Added to the Links - Article: "Presbyterian or Reformed"
March 24, 2007
Today's editorial "Scriptural Unity" is available.
Updates: Added to the Librum under Chronology of Correspondence I, Abbotsford
March 10, 2007
A new editorial is available: "Legitimate Liberation or Resurgent Donatism?"
February 24, 2007
The next editorial is now available: "Love knows no bounds".
February 19, 2007
Update: Added to the Articles "Proposal by Classis Pacific to General Synod 1971" regarding correspondence with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
February 10, 2007
A new editorial "Disorder in the Church" is available.
Now available "Chronology of Correspondence III" in the Librum under Correspondence with the Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Abbotsford.
Also available "Chronology of Correspondence I" in the Librum under Correspondence with the Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove.
January 27, 2007
Today's editorial "Unscriptural Pluriformity in Practice" is now available.
January 25, 2007
The consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Abbotsford passed out to the congregation a document titled "Ecumenical Relationships" which repudiates our concerns and the validity of this website also calling us to repent. Concerned brothers within the congregation responded to the consistory and the congregation with the following: "Once More Ecumenical Relationships"
Update: Added to the Librum links to pages containing correspondence with the Canadian Reformed Church at Abbotsford and Aldergrove.
Added to the Librum under Correspondence with Abbotsford
The Librum will receive more updates in the coming days.
January 13, 2007
A new editorial "Article 61 -Going, going..." is now available.
January 2, 2007
We have made available a compiled document of all the editorials for 2006. We have this available to assist those without access to internet. If anyone is interested in the file which can be printed and dispersed please contact me at calltoreform@sympatico.ca
December 30, 2006
This posting is the last posting for the year 2006. Reflecting on this past year we are thankful for the opportunity to provide this website to voice our concerns amid a great effort to minimize and silence these concerns. We offer one last editorial for the end of the year for your perusal. "An Eventful Year for Reformation"
December 23, 2006
The editorial for this Saturday is now available: "The Smithers Mission Debacle"
December 20, 2006
We have had technical problems with the email recipient for feedback. If you have submitted feedback during the last month and received no reply; please resubmit your feedback at rtv@calltoreform.com.
December 16, 2006
A new editorial "The Holiness of the Church" is available.
December 9, 2006
The next editorial is available "Tota Scriptura and Unity"
We have also added a new Question and Answer to the "Questions" section dealing with attestations. You will find it as question 7b.
December 2, 2006
A bonus editorial is available titled "Lord's Day 30 and Ecclesiastical Relationships" by Rev. B. Hofford.
The "Articles" section now has an archive of past editorials. If it does not appear you may have to refresh your browser.
November 25, 2006
Today's editorial "Why we didn't Appeal" is up in defense of allegations that members of the Liberated Reformed Church did not pursue the proper Appeal process in accordance to article 31 of the Church Order.
November 22, 2006
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the URCNA update to "Letter to the Consistory at Aldergrove"
Added to Links -Quicklink to Spindleworks Reformed Polemics "Pluriformity of the Church"
November 13, 2006
The editorial "New Testament Theology of Division" is now available.
October 31, 2006
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the URCNA "Letter to the Consistory at Aldergrove"
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the FCS "Appeal to General Synod 1998 re: Lord's Supper and Confessional Membership."
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the FCS "Appeal to General Synod 1998 re: Rule # 5"
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the FCS "Appeal to General Synod 1998 re: Scots Confession"
October 28, 2006
The next editorial is available. "Your Path to Liberation" by Rev. B.R. Hofford.
Added to the Librum, a new section dealing with correspondence with the Canadian and American Reformed Churches.
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence with the Canadian and American Reformed Churches
- Letter sent to the Canadian Reformed Churches from the Liberated Reformed Church of Lynden WA.
October 14, 2006
A new editorial "The Real Choice" by Rev. B.R. Hofford is available in the "Editorials" section.
September 30, 2006
We have opened up a new page that contains editorials. You can read the first one "Without Excuse". We hope to have the editorials updated every two weeks with new content.
September 28, 2006
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the PCK "Appeal to General Synod 1998"
September 11, 2006
I've added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the OPC a compilation of press reports surrounding the decisions of the CanRC's to admit Tri-County Reformed Church into our federation. This was pieced together by J. Vantil. RTV
August 14, 2006
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the URC, RCUS, & OPC "Letter to Consistory of Abbotsford"
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the FCS: "Appeal to General Synod Abbotsford 1995 Re: FCS"
July 28, 2006
We have added some more questions and answers to the "Questions" section in order to interact with feedback provided to this website. We hope that they will serve to better explain our position and place the emphasis on where exactly the Synod's have erred. We have also made a change to the "call" on the "Main page." We have changed "Open Lord's Supper..." to "Improperly Supervised..." We hope this change will shift the focus from a debate about the use of terminology to a discussion of the central issues. RTV
July 5, 2006
We have added more Questions and Answers in the "Questions" section to deal with various arguments and feedback. Also added to the "Links" section, a recommended reading list. If you do not see the changes, try to "refresh" your browser. RTV
June 28, 2006
Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the URC & OPC, "Letter to the Consistory of Attercliffe" RTV
June 22, 2006
Added to the "Articles" section for pertinent reading: Who will put an end to it? with other helpful quotes. RTV
June 21, 2006
Added to the "Articles" section for general purpose reading: The Main Points of the Doctrine of the Covenant speech by Dr. K. Schilder, translated by T. vanLaar. RTV
June 15, 2006
A declaration of Secession was issued to the American Reformed Congregation at Lynden Washington. The declaration can be read here. RTV
- Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the URC, "Letter to the Consistory of Lynden American Reformed Church Feb 23, 2004"
- Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concering the URC, "Appeal to Consistory of Abbotsford Re: Pluriformity and stopping phase 2 of EF"
- Added to Articles an analysis of Synodical Decisions regarding the OPC from the period 1965 TO 1989 by John Vantil.
- Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the OPC: "Declaration of Succession and Secession Tri- County Reformed Church, 1983"
- Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the OPC: "Letter to the Congregation of Lynden 2003"
Previous Updates:
- Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the PCK: "Appeal to General Synod 1995, PCK from the Church at Grandrapids"
- Added to the Librum, under Correspondence concerning the OPC: "Appeal to General Synod 1995, OPC from the Church at Grand Rapids"
The "Questions" section has been updated with the first question, generated from feedback to this site. RTV
I have organized the "Librum" section more to place articles concerning each of the churches in specific categories. RTV
Currently working on a new section titled "Questions" that interacts with feedback provided to this site we hope to have it available very soon. RTV
A discussion paper regarding an Analysis of the Acts of Synod re: the OPC from 1992-2004 by J. Vantil is added to the Articles section. RTV
Updated "Librum" section with some helpful material a table of events of Synodical Decisions by J. Vantil and Letter to the American Reformed Church of Lynden by Rev. B. Hofford concerning the URC. RTV
I have added articles to the "Article" section of this site. "Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven" by Rev. B. Hofford, the Press Report of Classis Ontario South 1987, and "CRC adoption of Report 44" by Richard Van Laar. RTV
This site has been built to promote awareness among members of the Canadian and American Reformed Churches to come to a realization of the affects of Synodical Decisions implementing Ecclesiastical Fellowship with the FCS, PCK, OPC, RCUS, and URC. It is out of a growing concern about the matter in which our Church has delt with these other churches in that it does not reflect a desire to remain obedient to what we profess as Church. RTV