This page contains references to correspondence with the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove regarding the implications of establishing Ecclesiastical Fellowship with the URC and the OPC, the biblical basis for Article 61 of the Church Order, the implications of consistory’s failure to maintain this Article, and a member’s right under Article 31 of the Church Order to hold not settled and binding decisions he has proven to be in conflict with Scripture, the confessions and the Church Order
For correspondence that shows how the decisions of general synod establishing relationships of ecclesiastical fellowship with the URC and OPC are unbiblical see Chronology of Correspondence I.
For further correspondence that shows how Article 61 of the Church Order is biblical, and how the general synod decisions establishing these inappropriate relationships of ecclesiastical fellowship are in conflict with Scripture, the confessions, and especially with this article of the Church Order, see Chronology of Correspondence II.
Despite the above evidence that neither consistory, classis nor regional synod have seriously interacted with the material that they have received, consistory continues to press forward with church discipline on a church member who is seeking to maintain adherence to Scripture, the confessions and the Church Order. See the text of the consistory’s letter dated Dec 6, 2008. The consistory did indeed proceed with the second announcement on January 11, 2009.
A summary of these and other issues has been sent by the above member to members of the congregation of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove. See the text of the member’s letter dated March 16, 2009.
In reaction to the above letter the Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove responds with a number of points that are “important for the congregation to keep in mind.” See the text of the Consistory’s letter dated March 22, 2009.
The Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove sent a letter to the concerned member informing him of its intention to proceed with the third announcement of impending excommunication. See the text of the Consistory’s letter dated April 30, 2009. The consistory did indeed proceed with the third announcement on May 17, 2009.
In response to the consistory’s letter dated March 22, 2009, the above member addresses a number of statements by consistory that are simply not true and asks the congregation to join him in calling the consistory back to faithfulness to the Three Forms of Unity and the Church Order. See the text of the member’s letter to the Aldergrove congregation dated May 11, 2009.
In reaction to the above letter the Consistory of the Canadian Reformed Church at Aldergrove responds with a number of additional points. See the text of the Consistory’s letter dated May 15, 2009.
In response to the consistory’s letter dated May 15, 2009 the above member addresses more statements by consistory that are either not true or not complete. Therefore he continues to ask the congregation to join him in calling the consistory back to faithfulness to the Three Forms of Unity and the Church Order as indicated in the Act of Liberation or Return of 1944. See the text of the member’s letter to the Aldergrove congregation dated May 21, 2009.
The consistory did not provide any public or private response to the above letter to the Aldergrove congregation dated May 21, 2009. The concerned member did receive an email from his ward elder that “Due to logistics on our part, your final reading of excommunication will take place on June 14th 2009 and not on June 7th.”
In the face of this hardening on the part of the Aldergrove consistory, the concerned member wrote one further letter to the Aldergrove congregation, calling upon the members to secede on the basis of Article 28 of the Belgic Confession. In this letter the concerned member, together with his family, secedes and, at the same time, calls the members to be united with the Liberated Reformed Church at Abbotsford. See the text of the member’s letter to the Aldergrove congregation dated June 10, 2009 here.
The Aldergrove consistory did not proceed with excommunication of the concerned member on June 14, 2009. Neither did the Aldergrove consistory acknowledge the secession that had taken place. Instead, as indicated in a new ward listing that was emailed to the congregation on June 30, 2009, the concerned member, together with his family, were assigned to the care of a new ward elder!