We the undersigned members in good standing of Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Burtonsville, Maryland, along with our covenant children, do hereby, in obedience to God and His Word, declare our commitment to submit in the Lord to elder Stephen W. Brown as the true shepherd of Christ for this congregation and to our former pastor, Barry R. Hofford, an elder in the Orthodox Presbyterian Mid-Atlantic Regional Church, of which Covenant Church, Burtonsville is a part.
In making this commitment we also reject the oversight
and jurisdiction of any other elders of Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church,
Burtonsville, Maryland (Romans 16:17, Titus 3:10). Our rejection of these elders
as true shepherds is based on the following actions which disqualified them.
The elders at Covenant Church, Burtonsville, with the exception of Stephen W.
Brown, rejected the Complaint of October 15, 1982, regarding the proper administration
of the Lord's Supper without giving satisfactory biblical reasons, and they
refused to repent of their errors in this matter, or to even discuss them, when
they were shown publicly in writing why their arguments from Scripture for rejecting
the Complaint were wrong (viz., "Explanation of the Complaint of October
15, 1982" by Barry R. Hofford, Dec. 1982; "Critical Review of the
Reply of the Session of the OPC in Burtonsville to the Complaint" by A.
van der Jagt, December 1982; Letter of Stephen W. Brown to the Presbytery of
the Mid-Atlantic setting forth his view of the Complaint, Dec. 1982). Furthermore,
the elders failed to instruct the congregation in any view of the Lord's Supper
during the time of this controvery. Thus, these elders, despite repeated public
and private reminders, failed to fulfill their God-given responsibilities as
outlined both positively and negatively in Titus 1:9. And when the Complaint
was appealed to the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic of the Orthodox Presbyterian
Church and the Fiftieth General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church,
it was denied, thus aborting the efforts of the complainants in seeking the
correction of the Burtonsville Session.
We do solemnly declare ourselves, now known as
Tri-County Reformed Church, to be the true succession of Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian
Church, Burtonsville, Maryland.
By this act of succeeding, we also do solemnly
declare our secession from the organization known as the Orthodox Presbyterian
Church, and set forth the following grounds for our action. First, the Presbytery
of the Mid-Atlantic of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church at its April 1983 meeting
denied the Complaint of October 15, 1982, having been carried from the Burtonsville
Session to the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic by the complainants, giving absolutely
no reasons or grounds for its action. This denial without grounds came despite
the presence of a Minority Report from the Presbytery's own study committee,
and three critical responses to the Majority Report of the Presbytery's study
committee (viz., "A Critical Analysis of the Majority Report of the Special
Committee of Five" by Barry R. Hofford, April 1983; "Review of the
Report of the Special Committee of Five" by A. van der Jagt, April, 1983;
Letter of Elder Stephen W. Brown to the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic responding
to the Majority Report, April 1983). Furthermore the Presbytery rejected two
specific proposals to meet again in order to study and discuss the matter further.
Thus, the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic, along with the elders of the Burtonsville
Church, failed to fulfill their God-given responsibilities as outlined in Titus
1:9. In addition they have failed to fulfill the spirit, if not the letter,
of their own Form of Government (XIV:5) which states, "The Presbytery has
the power
to resolve questions of doctrine or discipline seriously and
reasonably proposed." Secondly, the Fiftieth General Assembly of the Orthodox
Presbyterian Church, to which the aforementioned Complaint was carried in June
1983, also denied the Complaint. Although four grounds were adopted by the Assembly
in support of the denial, none of the grounds contained any biblical argumentation.
Furthermore, the Fiftieth General Assembly rejected two motions to study the
Lord's Supper question further, one before the denial was adopted, and one after
the denial was adopted. Thus, the Assembly failed to resolve Biblically a seriously
and reasonably proposed question of doctrine, and they cut off all official
consideration of the matter leaving us no further recourse other than to secede.
By signing this declaration, we solemnly call
upon God as our witness and as our strength in this reaffirmation of our vows
to be faithful covenant keepers according to His Word, the Bible, in response
to His covenant grace.
[What followed were signatures
of Communicant Members of Tri-County Reformed Church, and names of Covenant