
Canadian Reformed Church
P.O. Box 66, Abbotsford, B.C., V2S 6Z4


May 30th, 2007


Br. and sr. vanTil

Dear brother and sister

In response to your letters dated March 10th and April 5th, concerning the policy published, regarding the admittance of quest [sic] to the Lord's Supper table and the pastoral letter distributed to the congregation.

We are not able to acquiesce with you [sic] request, as we maintain that neither scripture, the confessions nor the Church order, demand a more restrictive admittance requirement for quests [sic].

Further in response to your concern regarding the pastoral letter distributed to the congregation, and the call to repentance of those advocating separation form the Church in Lynden, and accusing our sister church in Lynden of being a false church. Firstly this statement in the letter was rightly direct [sic] at all those who were/are publicly participating in schismatic activity and no specific individuals were addressed, However the declaration of the Lynden American Reformed Church as a false Church, is unbibilical [sic] and schismatic, and therefore all those participating in this need to be called to repentance.

Finally the letter between br R. vanLaar and the consistory is a not a matter that we are willing to discuss with you as it is a matter, between br vanLaar and consistory and will not be addressed with others.

We trust that you may accept the responses above and submit to the decisions of the church, and the churches in federation. If that is sadly not the case we call you to follow the church orderly process of appeal, also in order that, if we are wrong, that we may benefit from the advice of the broader assemblies.

On Behalf of consistory


J. Pruim (chairman)                     H. deBoer (clerk)